Sunday, August 31, 2008


So John McCain decided to pick a female running mate after he witnessed the success of the Democratic Convention. He did this not because he has a dream for Americans or women or anyone except John McCain being in the history books. The man has no passion except to be a part of history and to make his wife the first lady. John McCain chose Palin because he thought that he could attract the disillusioned Hillary voters and that is the only reason he chose her. A ploy to win a game that he really does not appreciate the significance of because if he did he would have realized that at his present age a Vice President is a much more important decision than just a cheap way to get some votes. There is a greater chance John McCain's veep would have to step in than Obama's veep would have to. Yet McCain treated this position the way he treats the idea of being President, it is something to be won so he can carry on with the Bush years and there is nothing more to his platform or ideals than that.
Furthermore, in choosing Palin he insulted every woman who backed Hillary Clinton. He said to them,"here I have another female for you; sure she doesn't have the same ideology, or the same democratic beliefs that Clinton does but you women don't care about that stuff you just wanted a woman right?". Also if one reads Palin's resume then one would see she also entered and won a beauty contest. Is this the kind of woman Hillary Clinton is, is this the kind of woman Michelle Obama is? It seems to me, by Palin's resume, she was just looking for anyway to get attention. Well now she has it.

Politics as usual!

The Real reason, he chose her! Lol!

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