Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Poor White People.??

There is a movie that I want to go see, called Frozen River, I read a write up about it in Entertainment Weekly. Frozen River is the story of an upstate New York Trailer mom, lured into the world of illegal immigrant smuggling for money.

First the picture struck me. Its a picture of a haggard, tired looking white woman that looks as if life and has kicked her in her ass. ( I know that look, i wear it from time to time). It struck me that we don't see many images of poor white people a lot in the media, its always poor tired looking black people. It may seem simple minded of me, but I have met poor white people. Likewise, in college I heard of the Appalachia Mountains where there are a community of them. So poor that the parents can't afford to buy the kids shoes to put on their feet. Once again, it may seem simple minded of me. But its what I see in on TV, rich successful white folks, in their nice houses and driving nice cars. It just seems like an oxymoron to have poor white people exist even. I say this because, as African-American woman that grew in a working class family whose family are actually from another country. You grow up with these images all the time. The White man coming to save the day. They come as teachers, missionaries, popes, nuns, priests. The CEO of the company is always White. There is this fallacy out there, that if you are white, you are INDEED PRIVILEGED!!! That notion still lurks underneath the surface. So when the ROSEANN Show came on the air, by God, that was indeed revolutionary in it self. TO SEE POOR WHITE WORKING CLASS struggling. Wow it does exist. It was just as fascinating as the Bill Cosby Show, look, Rich BLACK PEOPLE!! But I say all this to say, that our notions and images of others are mainly created through the media machine, that still to this day, feeds us our propaganda each and every day through out commercials, movies, and television programs.

But thanks to reality shows and rappers like Emimenm, and RedNeck TV. That pervasive thinking is no longer curious...I guess.

Its just a funny notion, and one that made me think hhmm.

Just a thought that I wanted to share.


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