Monday, March 31, 2008

Its A Hard Knock Life!

The economic times are tuff and eating away at everything and anything. Trying to squeeze a penny out of a nickel is like peeling blood from a turnip. When will this end or has just begun??. It's unbelievable what is going on, but not hard to believe. Hey Jdubywa's leading into us doomsday. Who will save us? You know the sucky thing about this whole Bushdom legacy years, is that after he is long gone, the aftertaste will still linger, like a bad hangover eager for that tomato juice. Its no ones fault but us. We did it to our ourselves, and now our tummies are aching like a five year old whose mother told us not to eat that extra cake or ice cream. Belly up my friends, looks like this recession is here for awhile. I cannot tell a lie. I like 'em cowboys, but not the ones that like to sell they brothers down the river for a piece of pie. I'm aching just like you are right now. I cannot wait for the new president. Whatever or whoever is gonna come through. These boots were made for walking and now I am going walk all over you. Ouch!. That's us folks. We've been hoodwinked one too many times and now its time for our medicine and just ride it out!!!

Now I'm going back to the crapper.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Clinton's lies catch up with her

Tisk, Tisk. We learn very early on in life that telling a lie will always come back to haunt you. The truth will always set you free!!

The Clinton administration is going to be the most difficult presidency for historians to record accurately. This is because the Clintons are inveterate liars and frauds. They are not particularly competent — they often get caught. Just the other day, Bill was caught lying about opposing our invasion of Iraq, and before that, his lovely wife, Bruno, was caught lying about a questioner her campaign planted at an Iowa campaign event. However, the Clintons lie so frequently and across such a wide range of matters from the petty (Hillary's lie about the origin of her name) to the serious (Hillary's lies about finances) that there is an infinitude of discrepancies for future historians' ministrations. Moreover, the Clintons are a part of a historic generational shift. Their left-wing cogenerationists are characterized by stupendous narcissism, amorality and an endless hustle for political advancement. It is not just the Clintons who confuse the historic record — it is all their fellow 1960s Coat and Tie Radicals in the media. That is why the work of L. Brent Bozell III and his colleague Tim Graham is so valuable. Their Media Research Center has been monitoring the networks and major newsprints for 20 years, doing yeoman service to preserve the truth from the Kultursmog, the political culture that our soi-disant liberals have polluted with their lies, misrepresentations and oversights.

In point of fact, no presidential candidate as beset by scandals and brushes with the law as Sen. Clinton has ever existed. The runner-up is her husband. Historically speaking, then, her candidacy is improbable. If American voters have the percipience I believe they have, it is doomed. The authors have played an indispensable role in reminding Americans of the Clintons' extraordinary mendacity. "Whitewash," fortified by MRC's research, exposes the mainstream press' role in keeping the Clintons politically alive. The media's rescue work began during the 1992 campaign, when reports of Mr. Clinton's irregular life were minimized in the press, his lies accepted or forgiven. It continues today. An unforgettable example of it came in 1994, when one of the rare mainstream journalists to ferret out Clinton errancies, the New York Times' Jeff Gerth, reported that as Arkansas' first lady, Hillary walked off with some $100,000 in profits from a cattle futures deal arranged by a lawyer for Tyson Foods, one of the state's most politically well-connected and heavily regulated corporations.

"Whitewash" is one of the most important books I have read about the Clintons' relationship with the press, and I myself have contributed a number of books to this field. For me, one of the most interesting revelations revolves around a Clinton scoop I was intimately involved in, the American Spectator's "Troopergate" story. A sexual harassment case filed by Paula Jones, one of the women mentioned, led directly to Mr. Clinton's impeachment. I have always suspected that the media came very close to overlooking the Troopergate story. "Whitewash" confirms that suspicion of mine and intensifies another, to wit, CNN's crucial role in Troopergate. According to Messrs. Bozell and Graham, "the troopers' story attracted only twenty-two evening news stories in its first twelve days, nine of them on CNN." Troopergate might have died like the earlier Gennifer Flowers story, but CNN's weekend interviews with the troopers and subsequent broadcasts ensured the story's longevity. At the time, I was amazed by CNN's interest, and I was more amazed when one of our writers involved in Troopergate told me that CNN's coverage was the work of a friend of his at the network. Historians ought to get to work on this matter. The secret agent was as responsible for Mr. Clinton's impeachment as was the American Spectator. "Whitewash" reports, "None of the Big Three evening newscasts devoted a full story to the mysterious trades until eleven days after the original Times scoop. Ultimately, the four networks reported only eighteen evening news stories between them." In one example of a hilarious media whitewash, Eleanor Clift remarked in Newsweek that "The public might even be tickled to discover that the prim and preachy First Lady has a gambler's streak." Tickled indeed — anyone knowledgeable of commodities trading will tell you that Hillary's $100,000 had to be stolen from another trader.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Media Sucks

The media is gross, but par for the course. The way they lambasted Obama for another man's opinions. What the fuck!! Can we give this man a break, and truly see Obama for what he is and not for they are looking for! Salacious headlines. We’ll also soon hear about Hillary’s minute-by-minute movements in the White House on every single day that Bill and ___ hooked up, just as we learn that Obama might have been somewhere in a 100-mile vicinity when Reverend Wright farted, with tape to come (and be snipped down to make it suitably Hitlerian). It’s just absolutely disgusting, all of it. Meanwhile, our economy is tanking like the Titanic, the Iraq War drags on and on, we’re being spied on like East Germans, and 10% of the people in New Orleans are HOMELESS, while 1 out of every 2 Ohioans loses health care every day. But supposedly McCain is leading in both states, Louisiana and Ohio, because the media tells us over and over that despite his ignorance, his lies, his gaffes, his misstatements, his wild political swings and instability, he’s a WAR HERO and an HONORABLE MAN and a MAVERICK, as opposed to Bush III, so we ought to VOTE FOR HIM! It’s sickening, but just watch, if we remain silent, he’ll be foisted on us JUST LIKE GEORGE WALKER BUSH!

Welcome to Beijing! Don’t mind the blood on the floor.

In 142 days, the Olympic games will open in Beijing. I love the Olympic games. I’m a sucker for pageantry, people way-better at stuff than I am, and doves. Can’t get enough. I tear-up at the national anthem. I love the montages of athletes, talented beyond all imagination, overcome injury, familial crises, disease, and heart-ache just to have this one shot to shine before all the world. The idea that for a moment we can lay down our differences and co-mingle and snack at each other’s table is naïve, yes, but for a few days, it actually seems tangible. It actually seems real.
So, yeah, that’s 142 days away.
Unless you happen to be Chinese or Tibetan.
According to the Christian Science Monitor today, 3/18, "Foreign journalists have been banned from traveling to Tibet and prevented by the police from reporting on protests by Tibetans in other Chinese provinces. Domestic newspapers, TV programs, and Internet sites have carried only articles produced by the official Xinhua news agency. News reports on international TV networks such as CNN and the BBC have been blacked out by censors." - Way to go, host country! How do you say "Kumbayah" in Chinese? Kim Jong Il is super-turned on right now.
Obviously the Chinese government was and probably still is hoping that these games would be their coming out party. The Global Debutante Ball where it’ll glow virginally in it’s white dress and gloves, corsage applied by the most eligible country (I would say the U.S. but let’s face it, the dollar can’t buy shit let alone a carnation set-off by baby’s breath). The two will twirl in the spotlight. Smile for the pictures. And we’ll believe no one is being beaten-down in the back-room and shot at the front door. - Tienanmen Square? Oh it has an Armani Exchange AND a Versace Outlet! We now call it "Tienanmen Commons".

This isn’t 1932 and it isn’t Berlin, but the disillusionment seems the same. It’s all propaganda. It’s all show-and-tell. Seventy-six-years-ago we didn’t have the world press we have now. We didn’t have the eyes and the ears. The Chinese government is trying to lock the uglies and the unclean in the attic, hoping you don’t hear them.
The sad truth is we’ll hear the pounding and the pleading, but we probably won’t pause. We like our toys cheap, our cargo-pants even cheaper. We need new markets because, well, after some time, even rape loses its high. Eventually they just cease praying for you to stop and switch to hoping you’ll be quick. They’ve got shit to do.

I don’t think there will be a Jesse Owens f-you here. One man stood-up to evil once in these games. He did it by winning with class and talent on the home-field of the bigoted and ruthless. - I just don’t think we can do it this time though, kids. I don’t think America, 300million strong, can harness our collective strength and power and say, "No. No you don’t get to play with the words ’peace’ and ’unity’ by being host. You don’t get to march out the pandas and fireworks to distract us with ohhs-and-ahhs from the cries and the screams. No. You don’t get to fuck us this time.".
Tyrants and despots reign. And we get to be preoccupied by gas prices and a war that, five-years in, has only made oil companies richer, our international standing weaker, and death even more commonplace. Like I said, after a while, we all just roll-over and give it up. ’Cause we got other shit to do.

Maybe they are the smart ones. We do seem to be doing what they want after-all. Oh well, Kim can’t really be that lonely any more. That’s a good thing, right?

NY Times Article

Dear NY Times, Thanks for the hand-job but...

The more I think about this, the more it just annoys me. I posted a comment on Tracey’s page about this. Then I went to work-out and couldn’t stop thinking about it. There’s a bunch of commentary out there on the whole Spitzer-Client9 saga. I admit I’m loving it. The scandal, I mean. I don’t need the commentary. But what has irritated me is this piece from the NYTimes Online.

Basically this "newspaper of record", this great and grand grey lady of journalism, read Ashley Dupre’s Myspace page. Alot. The unfortunate 22yo working girl, mother of two, who now finds herself caught up in what can only be described as THE single greatest movie-of-the-week circle-jerk of real-life drama jizz since Amy Fisher’s car got banged up and Joey tapped out her dents, declares that music (not being paid for for her 3.5 diamond-rated services) is her first love. Quoting the article, which is quoting her page, "On MySpace, her page says: "I am all about my music and my music is all about me. It flows from what I’ve been through, what I’ve seen and how I feel." She wants to be a singer. Not an escort. That’s sweet. Here are some more gems. Again, quoting the Times quoting her profile: " in the interview, she referred to herself as Ashley Alexandra Dupré, which is how she is known on MySpace." and "On the Web page is a recording of what she describes as her latest track....and uses some dated slang, calling someone her "boo."" -- Time to update the vocab there Ashizzle to the D-izzle. Word.What is pushing me here? What is it amping up my blood-pressure and spinning my pinwheel round-and-round? Impudence. The appaling, bitch-slapping impudence of the NY Times to toss me a hand-job when they know I’m wanting a full-on, head-board screw with bruising to remember it by. - Like your 5minute stroke will sate me. Like that’s what I should be happy with.

Dude, I can read her MySpace page, myself. I don’t need batteries for that. I expect you to do the real-work. I expect you to work the dirt, get grimy, come home sweaty, seething of manhood, and f’n take me. Throw me down with your insight. Bodice rip me with your scoop, with your quoted, anonymous, well-placed sources. Give me the real Ms. Dupre. And I want you to call her Ms. Dupre. Not Ashley nor Kristen. Ms. Dupre.That’s what unbiased journalist do. Honestly here. You’re the NY Times. Fucking act like it.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Keep It Moving

Just recently I applied to this fellowship, I hope I get it, but dam, it sure is competitive. ANd why do I keep trying to get thorough the hoops of life and pursue my dreams. Can someone tell me why?? Dam it! I am tired and restless and just want to lay my head down somewhere and just vege out. I can't I gotta keep it moving. Keep on trucking and making it happen. My life is still mine and the opportunities are still there and major. I still believe, with a wince in my eye and me underneath my blankets. I hate that I feel torn ambivalent about this dream and how many sacrifices I have made to to keep it moving. Dam its hard. I hate it, but I hate more that I have been down on my luck. I have no idea, what I am talking about either. But whatever I gotta do to keep it moving or else get busy dying.

I feel like going on the crapper now.

Tootles and Peace out!!