Sunday, August 31, 2008


So John McCain decided to pick a female running mate after he witnessed the success of the Democratic Convention. He did this not because he has a dream for Americans or women or anyone except John McCain being in the history books. The man has no passion except to be a part of history and to make his wife the first lady. John McCain chose Palin because he thought that he could attract the disillusioned Hillary voters and that is the only reason he chose her. A ploy to win a game that he really does not appreciate the significance of because if he did he would have realized that at his present age a Vice President is a much more important decision than just a cheap way to get some votes. There is a greater chance John McCain's veep would have to step in than Obama's veep would have to. Yet McCain treated this position the way he treats the idea of being President, it is something to be won so he can carry on with the Bush years and there is nothing more to his platform or ideals than that.
Furthermore, in choosing Palin he insulted every woman who backed Hillary Clinton. He said to them,"here I have another female for you; sure she doesn't have the same ideology, or the same democratic beliefs that Clinton does but you women don't care about that stuff you just wanted a woman right?". Also if one reads Palin's resume then one would see she also entered and won a beauty contest. Is this the kind of woman Hillary Clinton is, is this the kind of woman Michelle Obama is? It seems to me, by Palin's resume, she was just looking for anyway to get attention. Well now she has it.

Politics as usual!

The Real reason, he chose her! Lol!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Russians Attack!!! (What!???)

I don't know about you, but I when I think of Georgia, I think of Ray Charles's beautiful song Georgia-on my mind.

So I was stunned to hear that Big & Bad old Russia invaded a country called Georgia...never knew it existed outside of the South. (sorry but geography was not my strongest thing in school, thus the reason I am in the visual arts.)

But on the real. I was quite disturbed by the headlines and even more disturbed to see it on the evening news: scenes of tanks rummaging the country, buildings destroyed, and people bleeding in the aftermath of missile launches by the Russian army. It really baffled me. (What the hell is going on!)

Then Mr. Jethro Bush in a press conference says this of Russia's attack "-- Russia's use of strategic bombers and ballistic missiles against Georgia's civilians outside of the South Ossetian conflict is "far disproportionate" to Georgia's alleged attack on Russian peacekeepers."

Oh, yeah, five years ago we did the same in Iraq. Very hypercritical if you ask me.

I hope the people of Georgia recover from Big Bully Russia soon. Whatever the dispute was between them just doesn't justify and warrant this kind of attack.

It's bad enough that the U.S. is still in Iraq and Afghanistan. We don't need another war.

Bernie Mac

The Best.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

A poem for (Him)

A Poem for (Him)

There was a whisper to his voice that was sort of poetic. The squint in his eyes was magnetic and there wasn’t a time when I didn’t wish to hear that voice, over and over again without feeling pathetic. But as quickly as I managed to create a genuine feeling of excitement that I felt was prophetic, it had slowly dissipated into something that I had regretted.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Slow Motion:sLoW

THe environment in which I inhabit can be a curious one to me and its people. The over wash of white bleached sun burning down on my skin, like hot lava is already unbearable enough. I look up at the scorching sun as if it were a turned enemy. Why I think to myself, is it so HOT!! So hot is the sun, that it burns and its rays sting every moving creature in sight into oblivion. Where can I find the nearest shelter from the sun I think to myself. The sting of its rays permeates through out that I am able to contain it. I have to run for shelter. Need a cool place to stand in, and walk into a grocery store. Once inside, I enter another world of dazed and robotic like people glistening in the grocery store isle like it was a perfect day. "Its so soo HOT!" I say to myself, why? I am unable to enjoy the burst of cascading cool air. I try to look for a person that doesn't look lost in their world to hold a conversation. But to no avail. I am going to back out and pluck the mind of another for some type of conversation. I search high and low. Alas, what I do find is disconcerting. Socially antiquated, and everything void of progressive thinking and only topical. But all they tell me "Its great be here isn't it, you can't beat the weather?""


Poor White People.??

There is a movie that I want to go see, called Frozen River, I read a write up about it in Entertainment Weekly. Frozen River is the story of an upstate New York Trailer mom, lured into the world of illegal immigrant smuggling for money.

First the picture struck me. Its a picture of a haggard, tired looking white woman that looks as if life and has kicked her in her ass. ( I know that look, i wear it from time to time). It struck me that we don't see many images of poor white people a lot in the media, its always poor tired looking black people. It may seem simple minded of me, but I have met poor white people. Likewise, in college I heard of the Appalachia Mountains where there are a community of them. So poor that the parents can't afford to buy the kids shoes to put on their feet. Once again, it may seem simple minded of me. But its what I see in on TV, rich successful white folks, in their nice houses and driving nice cars. It just seems like an oxymoron to have poor white people exist even. I say this because, as African-American woman that grew in a working class family whose family are actually from another country. You grow up with these images all the time. The White man coming to save the day. They come as teachers, missionaries, popes, nuns, priests. The CEO of the company is always White. There is this fallacy out there, that if you are white, you are INDEED PRIVILEGED!!! That notion still lurks underneath the surface. So when the ROSEANN Show came on the air, by God, that was indeed revolutionary in it self. TO SEE POOR WHITE WORKING CLASS struggling. Wow it does exist. It was just as fascinating as the Bill Cosby Show, look, Rich BLACK PEOPLE!! But I say all this to say, that our notions and images of others are mainly created through the media machine, that still to this day, feeds us our propaganda each and every day through out commercials, movies, and television programs.

But thanks to reality shows and rappers like Emimenm, and RedNeck TV. That pervasive thinking is no longer curious...I guess.

Its just a funny notion, and one that made me think hhmm.

Just a thought that I wanted to share.


Monday, August 4, 2008

OVer-coming the Steam Rolling Bitches!!

I hate overpowering Alpha Dog-omega personalities. They think they are the worlds chief wizard without the kingdom to rule. I have unfortunately run into a few of these bitchy personalities, no let me correct that, they have occasionally stream rolled over me, as a way to mark their territory or make know their positions. I hate that shit. Over bearing, dictatorship like personalities that have no real bearing on the real world other than make sure that they are heard and know to those who aren't listening and piss on those who do listen. Its irks me to no end those types of personalities. They have no rhyme or reason, other than to negate and be condescending and be deliberate and rude in everything that they do.

So here's the middle finger to those ASSHOLES. What can you say, with experience comes lessons learned, and I have learned to stare them down and mean mug them and give 'em a taste of their own medicine. Well at least I try. Its really who cares, because they are not in my world or even in my peripheral. Until they try to bully their way in.

Here's to democracy and choosing to be who ever the fuck you want to be!!!!



Sunday, August 3, 2008

New Web Series

I am getting ready to launch a new web series online, and I am excited about it, and nervous at the same time. To be exact, it will be an urban drama series. I am still in the writing process faze of it, but stay tuned in and it will be a good one. Keeping you informed and plugged in. Will have details later. As I get closer to pre-production and all that good stuff.

Okay, until next time.


Barack Obama * The Black Community

News and Politics

First it was Jesse Jackson and his crazy comments, about cutting Obama's nuts off for possibly alienating himself from the black community and now just recently, three black protestors gave Barack Obama heat for not addressing black issues enough. This just happened in St. Petersburg, Florida.

I have had some heated discussions with my middle aged uncle, who is 68 years old, about Barack Obama. He says, what is Obama going to do for the black community. "Nothing" my uncle says. I simply roll my eyes, and say that he is not running for the United NEGRO STATES of America here, he is running for the UNITED States of America.

I always say that we are not in the 60's or 70's, and I am not saying racism and discrimination is over. I still see it.. But I definitely think things have improved and if you work hard and maitain your goals, there isn't anything you cannot do or accomplish in your life without hard work, perserverance and focus.

That is my two sense.

Here is the video

Friday, August 1, 2008

I need a HUG!

I need a hug, like there is no tomorrow!! I am wondering why I feel so blah, and disgustingly fat and unmotivated. There are days when I feel that I am on top of the world, and then, there are days it sucks to even be here. I am foolishly lost in the way of things and by the way I have not figured it out!! So, i am here still still trying to figure it all out. I can take it, on the chin, i think. But I still would like a hug!! Becuz I need one.

