Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Russians Attack!!! (What!???)

I don't know about you, but I when I think of Georgia, I think of Ray Charles's beautiful song Georgia-on my mind.

So I was stunned to hear that Big & Bad old Russia invaded a country called Georgia...never knew it existed outside of the South. (sorry but geography was not my strongest thing in school, thus the reason I am in the visual arts.)

But on the real. I was quite disturbed by the headlines and even more disturbed to see it on the evening news: scenes of tanks rummaging the country, buildings destroyed, and people bleeding in the aftermath of missile launches by the Russian army. It really baffled me. (What the hell is going on!)

Then Mr. Jethro Bush in a press conference says this of Russia's attack "-- Russia's use of strategic bombers and ballistic missiles against Georgia's civilians outside of the South Ossetian conflict is "far disproportionate" to Georgia's alleged attack on Russian peacekeepers."

Oh, yeah, five years ago we did the same in Iraq. Very hypercritical if you ask me.

I hope the people of Georgia recover from Big Bully Russia soon. Whatever the dispute was between them just doesn't justify and warrant this kind of attack.

It's bad enough that the U.S. is still in Iraq and Afghanistan. We don't need another war.

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