I don't really enjoy Holloween as much in my adult life, its really boring and another commercialized holiday, just like all of the holidays. Its really just another day for me! But I do remember the times when I was grammar school that was the day, you would all of the candy that you wanted at school or a party. We would cake, play games, and listen to music, and make nice with everyone, even Suzy Q that constantly picked her bugga. Just for today you would make nice, and then go back to hating her tomorrow. I also remember watching the Charlie Brown speacials, on Holloween too. I like Charlie Brown. Okay, that's all for me!!
Okay Happy Holloween, and may your stomach hurt in the morning.
A dog save four newborn kittens yesterday in a burning fire.
Really he wouldn't leave their side, until they were rescued. Now that is a dog that dervers A bone! He saved the little pussy cats, and was called a hero.
Nice story indeed, and its right on time with all the misery and dimsal news that is coming out of today's media.
But really, Lassy, don't bother coming home, by the that time, the house will be up for sale or foreclosed or we won't have the money to pay the bills anyway....
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Troubled insurer American International Group Inc will freeze payments to a former CEO and officers of the unit that was the main source of its financial problems, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo said on Wednesday.
"This is to confirm that AIG has agreed to freeze any payments pursuant to the employment package of its former Chief Executive Officer Martin Sullivan in light of the attorney general's ongoing review," according to the letter from Andrew Cuomo to CEO Edward Liddy, which was reviewed by Reuters.
Why was severance pay even offered. Those executives deserve hot tar poured on them with with feathers and they need be running around so we can cut their heads OFF!!
A little extreme I know.
But really, they fail one of the largest insurance companies in the world, where thousands if not millions of people have lost their pensions, their bottom to their businesses and even their LIVES. Yet somehow they allowed (these executives/CEO's) are allowed severance PAY! Where is the JUSTICE!!
I don't know why after serving nearly half his sentence that he would plead guilty now. What's the point????. He's in fucking JAIL!!!!.
Which by the way, I think I am the only person on this planet who thought it was STUPID to send him to jail for dog fighting.
Okay, its inhuman, okay,YES, the dogs will get hurt. BUT HE DIDN'T COMMIT MURDER HERE.!!!! They took away the man's livelihood, stripped his dignity and his sponsors for dog fighting.???? I just didn't get it. I still don't. Now he pleads guilty and will get out early for good behavior. I don't why this wasn't offered to him in the first place.
I know this is cliche as all HELL! But I do feel, that society is always trying to keep a good brotha down. In this case a good looking STupid Brotha that didn't use his common sense!!!. But what can you say, at least he'll learn to just stick to playing FOOTBALL next time.
Americans have lost 2 Trillion dollars from their retirement savings in the Past 15 Months!!
Congress' top budget analyst estimated Tuesday as lawmakers began investigating how turmoil in the financial industry is whittling away workers' nest eggs.
What the hell is going On!! Now Grandpa Ray, and Aunt Mae Mae, can't retire anymore because of the failed bank crisis and the soon to be economic recession. It's a hot mess, and I don't know how much worse it could get!!! CAN YOU!!
The country is under financial duress and being led by a less than intelligent president, that I can't wait to see go!!
That is a lot of money to go down the drain. Oh, yeah and the bailout can't do a thing to get these people's retirement money back because, its going toward banks and businesses and not the American people.
I got a headache, maybe, if I take a load off on the strip pole, I will feel better and might even make some money$$$$$$$$$$. Its a thought. LOL!
I know Johnny Cochran is turning in his grave right NOW!!
This time, he doesn't have my sympathy, even though, I do feel sorry for him a bit. What were you doing in Las Vegeas, going after people with guns, allegedly going after your stolen memorabilia??? All you had to do is retire and be there for your kids. That is the irony of it all. He gets off Scott free for murder, and goes to jail for something so trivial. You live and you learn. I guess he didn't learn.
You know what they say, Idle hands are the devil's workshop. The devil was working overtime with OJ, and OJ should have seen it coming.
The Vice Presidential Debate was the most watched in history since...EVER! 70 Million people watched their television to see if Sara Palin would fuck up!!
But guess what, she didn't, but, she sure didn't change my MIND!! What was that about, being cute, and winking at the fucking TV??. Who the fuck are you winking at!! And why was she dodging the fucking questions!! She kept going back to ENERGY!! ENERGY~~!!
Guess FUCKING WHAT!!! ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!! She looked plastic, had a veneer finish to her, and well put together with her designer classes. But no substance and nothing really to say. This chick from Alaska on a bridge to no where, and I don't have the time to figure her out.
The Bill collector's at my door, and he's threaten to sue me if I don't pay up!!
In the late 90's and early 2000's where corporate greed ran rampant. The Ceos of Enron, Adelphi, Tyco and MCI were considered monsters. How could they? How could they loot their own company and raid the 401k's of their employees that planned to retire on their hard earned savings? Even Martha Stuart was caught in the web for unloading unvalued stocks and went to jail for it.
Now this, our banks are going belly up left and right due to bad investments, or they blame the glut of defaulted loans on bad mortgages.
Week after week a new bank is going up in smoke, the biggest shocker were the once considered bed rocks of the financial market, Lehman Brothers, a 158 year old financial investment Bank and Merrill Lynch was one of the world's leading financial management and advisory companies, providing financial advice and investment banking services. NOT ANYMORE!!! Just today, Washington Mutual bit the dust, bought by JP MORGAN CHASE.
Where are the People's bail out money for GREEDY CEO's that thought the party was never going to end, and they get to walk away with their ceo packages worth millions and still travel in their private jets and vacation in FIJI.
I have a financial headache. Let me take two pills called Bailout and call me in the morning.
Every time I hear that crap in the news I think of the movie Wall Street
Wall Street features Charlie Sheen as a young stockbroker desperate to succeed and a wealthy but unscrupulous corporate raider Michael Douglas whom he idolizes.