Monday, July 14, 2008


I don't know why I am writing about his, but I just wanted to share my thoughts on the latest news about Jesse Jackson's crazy remarks. They angered me, "What the Hell is wrong with you Jesse", I yelled at the television!! I wanted to give Jesse Jackson, the benefit of the doubt when I first heard it, but once they showed the video footage of him, I thought to myself, those words were spoken on purpose and not by accident. I know this information is not news by now, and the fact that I am spending time blogging about this, just fans the flames. But I wanted to say something and just let it out. Jesse Jackson is STUPID. By now this footage of Jesse Jackson leaning over and whispering to the doe doe bird sitting next him as he mechanically whispers his words "I wanna cut his nuts off, because you think he is talking down to the black community" is the latest Crap to hit the fans.

But really, Mr. Obama is not talking down to the people, he's talking up to a group of intelligent folks that need to hear the truth sometimes. Black People or People in general are tired of being talked down to!! Barack Obama is looking through bushes, over the horizons and keeping his eyes on the prize. Jesse Jackson's words narrow minded, thoughtless and disrespectful, whether it was private or intended for the doe-doe bird, who cares!! I think Jesse Jackson needs to reassess, and ask himself, "What the hell is the problem with you Jesse~!" What's your real beef with Obama? "Tell us how u really feel?" Oops!! That's right we already do know.

And once he gave his apology, it was long winded and was the same rhetoric that he always gives, and made me want to take a nap!!....

"KEEP HOPE ALIVE!" Right!?? Next week Al Sharpton!

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