As you get older, you just don't have the patience for bull shit, it’s just not something that you want to deal, let alone, have it around you. This is something as I get older that I find myself pondering over. Is this worth my time? I even say this with people, is it worth my time spending to get to know this person, or how much do I want to invest myself. Time is something you realize is so precious and valuable that it’s just too invaluable to let slip away. With that being, said I also realize that it is so much more worth it to spend time doing things you love, it’s just better time spent. Which I have finally realized after how long. LOL! It takes me a awhile to figure things out.
On another note the Chris Brown & Rhianna situation has been the topic of every news outlet and on practically on every channel. What surprises me the most, are things are have been said among people, especially black folks. Every black person, have said that she ( Rhianna) provoked it, she's crazy. Um, WHAT!!
This response was crazy to me and very gross, I don't care what that girl did, she didn't deserve to be beat down like that. It's really still amazing to me, that this pervasive, machismo of the man almost having the right and is expected to beat his woman whether she deserves it or not. It's this mentality of I am going to keep my woman in check! It’s crazy. Poor Rhianna, a young woman that is worth millions of dollars and caught up in domestic violence.
Sure this happened to a famous couple, but this happens to other classes and races as well, it’s just not as widely reported. It’s sad. What was more sad to me was the response to this story, and in the 21st century, that woman are still looked as appendages, or degrading pieces of meat.
It’s not easy. As time goes on, you know what you will put up with or won't. It took me awhile, but I finally know that I am worth it!!
I hope other young women will see in time, he ain't worth a dime, if he's beating your behind.